oldskool house rave hardcore music

Ark And Universe Leeds Uni 25th June 1994

Oldskool house rave hardcore music from 1988 to 1998. A repository of flyers, tunes, tracklists, photos and memories from the golden years of UK clubbing. Full details of the Ark raves from Leeds as well

If the 90’s mean Boyzone, Oasis, the Spice Girls or Boyz2Men then move on, there’s nothing here for you. If you graced the Hacienda, Orbit, Up Yer Ronson, Life, Shelleys, Dreamscape, Fantazia, Rezerection, Back to Basics or others, then come on in

Lost nightclubs of the 90s ↗

What has happened to where you partied in the 1990s?

The Ark Leeds 1991-1997↗

The home of info about the Ark club nights that ran from 1991-1997 in Leeds, Manchester, Blackpool, Bradford Sheffield and Lancaster.

UK Rave History Timeline ↗

Tunes, clubs, parties and news, Broken down by month. The story of acid to rave to hardcore and house

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